Friday, May 21, 2010

Robbing Peter to Pay Paul

One of these days I'm going to learn how to juggle...not balls or bowling pins but social media.

I've been "encouraged" lately by some friends to get back to blogging, and I really want to do that. The challenge is finding the time to do everything that needs to be done. I have an active presence on facebook and twitter (not-so-active on MySpace, ShoutLife, and Plaxo), all of which I began long after I started this blog.

I hope you'll forgive me for not being more faithful to record my thoughts and impressions here. I'm going to seek to do better.

By the way, God has really been stirring my heart lately...and I've been preaching from that ongoing conversation with Him. The series of sermons is called "Is This What Jesus Died For?" The gist of the series (and my struggle) is whether all that we call church today and emphasize in ministry is what Jesus had in mind when He instituted the church and, further, stretched out His arms on a Roman cross and "gave Himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless" (Ephesians 5:25-27).

I'll tell you...the more I think and pray about this, the more I think that the church as we know it today is a far cry from the church that Jesus had (and has) in mind.

"God, help us to see the difference so that we can live the difference in order to make a difference."


Irene said...

Thank you for returning to your blog! I've missed it!

Barbara said...

Hey, GREAT to have you back.

Being a non-member, but an active believer, the information received from that survey "may" change my mind regarding membership. I'm too hard on the organization of the church in general; however, of course, I can't see the changes of heart of your members.

I'm sure that while there are many church activities, the heart of the members have grown in spiritural maturity and knowledge. After all, only God can judge their hearts. We shouldn't try, but being human, we all want the Church to be lifted up in the community.

For how, that would mean "seeing" the outward appearance of the heart. . . which might seem impossible.