Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm Serious!

James Packer had a good insight to fasting in a book he wrote 25 years ago entitled, Your Father Loves You:

“In Scripture we see several purposes for fasting. It’s part of the discipline of self-control; it’s a way of sharing that we depend on God alone and draw all our strength and resources from him; it’s a way of focusing totally on Him when seeking his guidance and help, and of showing that you really are in earnest in your quest; it’s also, at times, an expression of sorrow and deep repentance, something that a person or community will do in order to acknowledge failure before God and seek his mercy.”

I like Packer’s statement because it essentially describes fasting as saying, “I’m serious…”

Warren Wiersbe also said something that fits our current emphasis on fasting: "Too many Christians obey God only because of pressure on the outside and not power on the inside."

May God breathe wind into your sails today!

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