Tuesday, February 12, 2008

HP + CP + CC = MI

“Aaaaagggghhhh! Not algebra again! I thought I left that behind in high school!” Maybe that’s what you think when you see a formula like HP + CP + CC = MI…but that’s actually “A Formula for Impacting Your World.”

One of the textbooks that I’m using in my evangelism class here at the seminary is by Bill Hybels and Mark Mittelberg and entitled, Becoming a Contagious Christian. It’s been around for nearly 15 years but is right on the money when it comes to principles of sharing one’s faith.

At the heart of the book is what Hybels and Mittelberg call “A Formula for Impacting Your World.” HP + CP + CC = MI looks daunting until you break it down…

HP stands for “High Potency.” In other words, Christians have to be the real deal if they’re going to impact people around them for Christ. There’s no substitute for authenticity, and most people can spot a fake a mile away.

CP is short for “Close Proximity,” which means that Christians’ lives have to actually touch lives around them if they’re going to be contagious as Christians. It’s pretty difficult to spread a disease without some human interaction. It’s like that idea regarding being “the salt of the earth”—salt that never gets out of the shaker never makes a difference.

CC represents “Clear Communication.” Christians can be genuine in their faith and in the company of unsaved people continuously; but at some point, Christians have to communicate the good news of Jesus in terms and concepts that irreligious people can understand if they’re going to impact people for Christ.

MI stands for “Maximum Impact.” Impacting people for Christ doesn’t just happen by accident. It’s intentional and is the result of “high potency” Christians being in “close proximity” to lost people and engaging in the “clear communication” of the gospel.

So…if we want to impact our world for the cause of Christ, this is a wonderful and effective formula for doing so: “High Potency” + “Close Proximity” + “Clear Communication” = “Maximum Impact.” Let us make it so!


Anonymous said...

I think there is nothing wrong with focusing on people. The gift/talent test we took a year ago was great. I feel that each category of potential ministers, teachers, hospitality leaders, praise team leaders, mission leaders, should meet each other and get acquainted with one another and see if God is willing to allow him/her to be used in the field that the quiz has in one way or another chose their interest. Since that was chosen, it should go a step further and use these individuals to glorify God in their ability to do what they feel or never knew God called them to be. The more we (as people) sit down on our gifts and talents, who knows what blessings we are withholding from followers as well as nonfollowers of Christ. Is that list still available? Some people are introverts vs extroverts and just can't get motivated to step out on faith. But when you have similiar likes, it would be easier (I feel) to come together and brainstorm up activities to take to the saved as well as the unsaved. I love God, and I love you pastor. I know you are doing well away from us. HP + CP +CC = MI is great. but they have not heard the acronyms o Dr. Larry Robertson!(LOL). Pastor you are awesome. I have not heard a preacher/teacher no where in this world like you. To God Be The Glory! Can;t wait until you come home! Rochelle Young Thankyou for representing our church family.

Anonymous said...

Good to meet you, Rochelle. You made a great point. If everyone was like Dr. Larry, we wouldn't have a problem, would we! He is a natural real teacher.

I had an occasion (several months ago) to refer to a Georgia State University physics site that referenced many of Einstein’s principles. The site was way over my head, but I had fun, anyway, playing with one of his principles. The body “cools” itself by perspiration, convection, conduction and radiation. Thus, it is also heated in similar ways.

Since Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as the “water of life” and we’re suppose to be the salt of the earth, we should perspire a “salty water” that gets molecules in others moving (conduction). They, in turn, omit rays of light (radiate) to others whereas the warmer ones on fire rise above the cooler ones (convection).

It is my understanding that Einstein proved that it is possible for the human body to poof away, but remember he, also, created the invention of the atom bomb! The "rapture" isn't suppose to happen because of us, but maybe the great outpouring can.

Remember, one can, also, “rise above” their circumstances, symbolically, by “no longer falling prey to our fleshly natural instinct.” For instance, maturity rises above stealing for profit when one no longer desires to steal, not because of the consequences but because of character. If were truly hungry, stealing may be a natural animalistic instinct that can’t be overcome – just forgiven.