Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I can't believe this is Day 9!

I expect that this post will be relatively short since it's late, I'm tired, and we've got to be packed up when we leave our rooms tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. Today has been our next-to-last day on the trip and it was a really good day. We were in a Catholic village this afternoon and tonight, and I preached in the village tonight. The message went well, I think, considering it was being translated into one of the Sereer dialects.

We ate dinner in the village tonight (in the dark). It was a different kind of dish than we had eaten thus far and is hard to explain. It didn't taste bad...but I had some texture issues with it. I looked at Becca at one point (now here we were sitting in the dark and eating with all these villagers) and said, "Did you ever think in a million years that you'd be eating a meal in an African village?" I've got to tell you--it's both humbling and adventurous...

Tomorrow we return to the village we tried to visit yesterday (where the 10-year old little girl had just died from malaria). Actually, we're hitting a village before that we'll visit in two Muslim villages tomorrow. But the second one is when we will seek to speak to the village chief/Islamic Imam about the the claims of Christ.

Please join us in praying that God will open a door clearly and miraculously to share the gospel!

On a more personal note, Becca told me today, "Dad, I love Africa...and I really want to come back. But I'm ready to see Mom and Morgan." I'll have to agree. :-)


Morgan Robertson said...

I'm ready to see you too, honey! ily-mom

Anonymous said...

Wow, I cant wait to hear all of your stories. I pray for your safe return home. Can you stick one of those little people in your suitcase for me, lewis and the boys. They are so sweet... We want one. See ya Sunday,